Starting:17 May 2025Runtime:120 MinutesCast:Andy Irons, Dave Rastovich, Kelly Slater, Bruce IronsJACK MCCOYPRESENTSTHE20THANNIVERSARY OF BLUE HORIZONREMASTEREDIN HONOUR OF ANDY IRONS’ 2002 / 2003 / 2004 WORLD TITLESFeaturing pre show talk story and Q & Awith Jack McCoy and Special GuestsFollowing the major success of The Occumentarytour, Jack McCoy is heading back on theroad with Dave ‘Rasta’ Rastovich and an all star cast to help celebrate the20thanniversary ofBlue Horizonandhonourthe memory of one of the greatest surfers of all time, Andy Irons.The cult classic film follows the journeys of two of the world’s best surfers of the time, bothwhom chose a different path to the pinnacle of surfing–Rasta chose to escape the spotlightand search for perfect waves across every corner of the globe, whilst Irons became the mostfamous surfer on the planet by plying his trade on the ASP World Tour.
Saturday 17 May (Click session time to order)
(Click session time to order)
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